Terms of Use of our Services and App

The Terms of Use govern the use of our app and the licenses and services contained therein.

  • 1 Account creation

In order to use our app and the associated functions, you must create an account with us and log in. Please refer to our privacy policy.

  • 2 Conditions

The app may only be used for legally permissible purposes and in accordance with the law. Any misuse of the applications, the aim and the purpose of our app is not within our area of ​​responsibility and will be reported to the police.

  • 3 Account, subscriptions and termination

You can find the cancellation periods in the respective app store.

Apple APP Store: https://support.apple.com/de-de/118223
Google Play Store: https://support.google.com/googleplay/answer/2479637?hl=en

Please refer to our privacy policy. A subscription allows you to use our product continuously and regularly over a specified period of time. Subscriptions begin on the day we receive payment. To maintain this subscription, you must pay the required recurring fee on time. Failure to do so may result in interruptions in services.

  • 4 Blocking and deletion

We reserve the right to block or delete your user account if, in particular, you violate our contractual terms, we discover a legal violation or you use our app inappropriately and/or misuse it.

  • 5 Copyright and content

All intellectual property rights, such as copyright, trademark rights, patent rights and design rights related to our services are the exclusive property of the provider and its licensors and are subject to protection under applicable law or international treaties relating to intellectual property. The same applies to other trademarks, trade names, service marks, word marks, illustrations, images and logos that appear in connection with the app.

We reserve all rights to the content available on this app. You may only use this content within the scope of the services offered on this app. As part of the services offered on this application, we grant users a revocable license to use the content of our app in compliance with the Terms and Conditions and all applicable laws. Users are solely responsible for their own content and the consequences of their publications. You confirm and warrant to us that you have all necessary licenses and permissions to publish your content. In addition, you warrant to us that your content does not violate any laws (including copyright and trademark laws). You confirm to us that your content is not harmful, illegal, threatening, obscene, racist, violent, sexually or in any other way offensive. You further warrant to us that you will not publish fake or misleading content intended to deceive or defraud others. You warrant to us that you will not publish private information of third parties without the third party or us having expressly permitted this.

  • 6 External sources

Our app may contain links to external sources that are not provided by the provider. We are not responsible for their content as we have no influence over it. At the time of linking, we checked the content of the external sources and found them to be harmless. We cannot keep track of all changes to third-party content, which is why we cannot be held responsible for any subsequent changes.

  • 7 Permitted use

The app may only be used as intended and in accordance with our terms and conditions and the applicable legal regulations. For this reason, we reserve the right to take all appropriate measures to protect our legitimate interests, such as denying users access to our app or services, terminating contracts and reporting objectionable actions taking place via this application or service to the relevant authorities. This includes actions that

violate legal provisions, regulations or our terms and conditions,

violate the rights of third parties,

significantly affect our legitimate interests or

insult us or any third party.

  • 8 Software license

We reserve all rights to our software and the technical solutions on which this app is based. Provided that you comply with these Terms and Conditions and regardless of any deviating provisions of these Terms and Conditions, we grant you a freely revocable, simple, non-sublicensable and non-transferable right to use the software and our services within the scope and for the purposes of the intended use of the service offered. There is no right to the source code or to exploit or reproduce the source code. Rights to all processes, algorithms and technical solutions contained in the software and all associated documentation belong exclusively to us and the licensor.

Any grant of rights and licenses will automatically terminate upon termination of the agreement. We reserve the right to release updates, bug fixes and further developments for this app and/or the associated software and make them available for use. You may be required to download and install such updates in order to continue using the app. Each user may download, install, run and use the software on an unlimited number of devices.

Terms of use of our services and the app

The terms of use govern the use of our app and the licenses and services contained therein.

  • 1 Account creation

In order to use our app and the associated functions, you must create an account with us and log in. Please refer to our privacy policy.

  • 2 Conditions

The app may only be used for legally permissible purposes and in accordance with the law. Any misuse of the applications, the purpose and the purpose of our app does not fall within our area of ​​responsibility and will be reported to the police.

  • 3 Account, subscriptions and termination

The notice periods can be found in the respective App Store.

Apple APP Store: https://support.apple.com/de-de/118223

Google Play Store: https://support.google.com/googleplay/answer/2479637?hl=en

Please note our privacy policy. A subscription allows you to use our product continuously and regularly over a certain period of time. Subscriptions start on the day we receive payment. To maintain this subscription, you must pay the required recurring fee on time. Failure to do so may result in service interruptions.

  • 4 Blocking and deletion

We reserve the right to block or delete your user account if, in particular, you violate our contractual terms and conditions, we discover a legal violation or you do not use and/or misuse our app appropriately.

  • 5 Copyright and content

All intellectual property rights, such as copyright, trademark law, patent law and design law in connection with our services, are the exclusive property of the provider and its licensor and are subject to the protection of the applicable law or international treaties relating to intellectual property . The same applies to other trademarks, trade names, service marks, word marks, illustrations, images and logos appearing in connection with the App.

We reserve all rights to the content available on this app. You may only use this content in the context of the services offered on this app. We grant users a revocable license to use the content of our app within the scope of the services offered on This application is subject to compliance with the Terms & Conditions and all applicable laws. Users are solely responsible for their own content and the consequences of their publications. You represent and warrant to us that you have all necessary licenses and permissions to publish your content. Furthermore, you guarantee us that your content does not violate any laws (in particular copyrights and trademark rights). You confirm to us that your content is not harmful, illegal, threatening, obscene, racist, glorifying violence, sexual or offensive in any other way. You further warrant to us that you will not post fake or misleading content that is intended to deceive or defraud others. You warrant to us that you will not publish any private information of third parties without the express permission of the third party or us.

  • 6 External sources

Our app may contain links to external sources that are not provided by the provider. We are not responsible for their content because we have no influence over it. At the time of linking, we checked the content of the external sources and classified it as harmless. We cannot keep track of all changes to external content, which is why we cannot be held responsible for any subsequent changes.

  • 7 Permitted use

The app may only be used as intended and in accordance with our terms and conditions and the applicable statutory provisions. For this reason, we reserve the right to take all appropriate measures to protect our legitimate interests, such as denying users access to our app or services, terminating contracts and reporting any objectionable actions taking place via this application or service to the relevant authorities. This includes actions that

violate statutory provisions, regulations or our GTC,

infringe the rights of third parties,

significantly impair our legitimate interest or

offend us or a third party.

  • 8 Software license

We reserve all rights to our software and the technical solutions on which this app is based. Provided that you comply with these GTC and notwithstanding any deviating provisions of these GTC, we grant you a freely revocable, simple, non-sublicensable and non-transferable right to use the software and our services within the scope and for the purposes of the intended use of the service offered. There is no right to the source code or the exploitation or reproduction of the source code. Rights to all processes, algorithms and technical solutions contained in the software and all associated documentation are the exclusive property of us and the licensor.

The granting of rights and licenses shall automatically lapse upon termination of the agreement. We reserve the right to issue updates, bug fixes and further developments for this app and/or the associated software and to make them available for use. You may be required to download and install such updates in order to continue using the App. Each user may download, install, run and use the software on an unlimited number of devices.