yume (jap. 夢; Traum, Wunschtraum, Vision)

yume (Japanese 夢; dream, wishful thinking, vision)

The yume app and the features Reading yume (Japanese 夢; dream, wishful thinking, vision) 2 minutes

More than just a name, a vision that connects

In the world of innovation, a name is often the first clue to a deeper meaning and vision. At yume it is no different. Our name is not just a label, but a promise, a story and a dream turned into reality.

The meaning of yume

The word "yume" comes from Japanese and means "dream". This reflects our deepest belief: that innovation and technology should be used to make people's dreams come true. Since our youth, we, the founders of yume, independently had a dream to create an app that would make many people's lives easier. And that's exactly what we did with yume.

Yu = You & Me: The connection that counts

But yume not only stands for the dream itself, but also for the connection between "you" and "me". This aspect of our name underlines yume's core goal: to connect people. Our app is designed to build a bridge between users - be it in professional networks, social exchanges or in discovering new friendships.

Y & U – symbols of synergy

Our logo features the letters Y and U prominently. Not only are they short for "yume", but they also symbolize the synergy between our users (You) and us (Us). We firmly believe that the best technology is the one that brings people together and helps them achieve their own dreams.

A well thought out name for a well thought out app

Every element of yume, from the name to every feature of the app, is carefully thought out. We want to ensure that our users have not just an app, but an experience that enriches and simplifies their everyday lives. yume stands for innovation, for connection, for dreams coming true.


yume is more than a name - it is a promise, a vision and a dream that manifests itself in every interaction through our app. We invite you to be part of this journey, part of a community that dreams and grows together. Discover yume - and let's turn dreams into reality together.