The end of the paper stacks

Why yume digital business cards are environmentally friendly

In an era where sustainability is becoming increasingly important in the business world, yume offers an innovative solution that not only revolutionizes the way we network but also actively contributes to protecting the environment.

A green choice for every business

For every business that chooses yume's eco-friendly black walnut cards, five trees are planted. This means that every transaction has a positive impact on our natural environment far beyond the digital world. Given that the average company with around 50 employees distributes thousands of business cards annually, switching to yume's digital business cards can mean a significant reduction in paper usage.

A sustainable investment

Studies show that it takes up to 2.5 trees to produce 10,000 paper business cards. That may not sound like much, but in global terms, that quickly adds up to millions of trees every year. With yume, that number is significantly reduced - and our commitment to planting five trees for every bamboo card sold increases the effect even further.

Customer feedback :

"Since switching to yume, we have not only drastically reduced our paper consumption, but we have also become part of a larger green plan. It feels good to know that every new connection we make also benefits the planet." - Markus L., CEO of a medium-sized company

Sustainable environmental protection

Every time our customers use yume business cards, they contribute to a greener world. It is a sustainable model that not only helps with a one-off purchase, but also does good on an ongoing basis - every day with yume is a day that helps the environment.

Future prospects

As we work to develop new features and offerings, our commitment to the environment remains firmly anchored in our mission. yume is more than a product - it is a statement, a step towards a responsible business world.